English follows Japanese.
Customer Value
今回ご紹介する受賞者は、TeamSpirit Singapore Pte Ltd.(以下、TeamSpirit Singapore)で活躍しているHRのセブリナ・ナー(Sebrina Nah)さんです。
セブリナさんはチームスピリットのシンガポール子会社であるTeamSpirit Singaporeの人事担当として、採用・人材育成・制度設計・労務管理など人事・労務全般に関わる業務をひとりで担当されています。
この度セブリナさんは、日々の業務に精力的に取り組みながら、社員のエンゲージメントやウェルビーイングを向上させるために、様々なイベントを企画・実施しTeamSpirit Singaporeの職場環境改善に大きく貢献されました。この取り組みが「Customer Value」と「TeamSpirit」を体現していると高く評価され、コアバリューアワードを受賞されました。
TeamSpirit Singapore内でいくつかの社内イベントを企画・実施しました。そのうちの一つが「Ask me anything(通称AMA)」というイベントで、社内のメンバーから集めたあらゆる質問に、剛さん(中野剛:TeamSpirit Singapore代表)が回答していくというものです。「AMA」はコロナ禍の間、ソーシャルメディアでトレンドとなっていました。その時期、私は特に新入社員と管理職との間でコミュニケーションの機会が限られていることに気がつきました。そのため、剛さんの支援を得て、AMAを立ち上げ、従業員が自由に質問でき、管理職から直接意見を聞く機会を増やすことを目指しました。よりカジュアルな雰囲気を作るため、お茶やコーヒー、お茶菓子を楽しみながら少人数のグループで対面でセッションを行いました。また、最初に剛さんについてのアイスブレイククイズも行いました。その後も参加者からのフィードバックを組み込んでセッションを改良していき、合計で4回のAMAセッションを開催しました。
また、昨年のSDGsの一環として、フォート・カニング・ヒル(Fort Canning Hill)でのハイキングやティオンバル・パーク(Tiong Bahru Park)での清掃など、いくつかのアウトドア活動も開催しました。これらのイベントの共同開催は、Mj(Mj Martin:TeamSpirit Singapore所属のQAマネージャー)さんにもご協力いただき実現することができました!
今年は、パルスサーベイのフィードバックを踏まえて、チーム横断で絆を深めるために、四半期ごとのチームビルディングイベントと月次集会を開始しました。イベントが全員が楽しめるものになるよう、メンバーの意見を計画に反映しています。 各チームが順番に参加したい活動を提案し、最近ではVRゲームに挑戦しました!
3つ目は「お互いの価値観を尊重しながら答えを見つける」ことです。TeamSpirit Singaporeでは、様々な価値観を持った多くのメンバーが集まっているので、意見も多様です。私は、直接的な意見以外にもあらゆる視点から情報を取り入れ、可能な限り多くの従業員のニーズを満たすバランスの取れた解決策を見つけつつ、会社が提供できることについて現実的であることが重要だと考えています。
もう1つは採用プロセスの改善です。マネージャーの支援と協力により、採用プロセスのスタンダードを確立することができました。これには、自分たち独自の面接SOP(Standard Operating Procedures=標準作業手順書)を作成し、面接時間を90分から60分に短縮することも含まれています。また、面接の各段階で明確に定義された目標、スコアカード、基準を設けることで、より公平で平等な採用プロセスを確保しています。
休みの日に特別なことをするわけではありません。Netflixでドラマを見る時間が多いですね。今は「doctor cha」(邦題:医師チャ・ジョンスク)がお気に入りです。あとは愛犬(2歳のトイプードル)のアリエルと遊んだり散歩したりしています。
ー改めて、セブリナさんにとってのTeamSpirit Singaporeで働く魅力は何でしょうか。
入社時の面接で剛さんから多くのチームメンバーを紹介してもらった際に、「ここはきっと楽しく働ける場所だ」という予感がありました。TeamSpirit Singaporeが、私たちの働き方に柔軟性を持たせ、自分の仕事に責任を感じさせてくれるところは、今でも非常に魅力的です。一緒に働くすべての人が、自分の仕事に情熱を持っており、良い仕事をしたいというモチベーションを持って働いています。
ーこれからTeamSpirit Singaporeでどんなことをやっていきたいか、今後の目標を教えてください。
究極の目標は、今よりももっと素晴らしいTeamSpirit Singaporeのチームを作り出すことです。その目標を達成するために、ビジネスをより深く理解し、HRの実践をビジネスの目標と合わせるように努力したいと思います。また、HRプロフェッショナルとしての能力を磨き続け、ビジネスやTeamSpiritシンガポールでのキャリアを追求する社員に対して適切なHRサポートとアドバイスを提供できるようにしたいと考えています。私たちが一緒に達成できること、チームのために達成できることを楽しみにしています。
自分がやっていることに情熱を持ち、良いものを作り上げることにコミットし、問題を解決し目標を達成することにやる気がある人に、TeamSpirit Singaporeを推薦します。
私は今、TeamSpirit Singaporeで過ごす毎日がとても充実しています。未来の私にも変わらず充実していて欲しいと思いますので、このメッセージを送りたいと思います。
「You will never get yesterday back. Put in your best and don't regret for not doing enough.(昨日は二度と戻ってこない。最善を尽くし、やりきれなかったことを後悔しないようにしよう。)」
Cultivating Joy and Happiness in the Workplace, Steering TeamSpirit Singapore towards Greater Well-being
TeamSpirit Inc. cherishes its four core values and regularly holds the "Core Value Award", a program that recognizes employees and teams who embody these values.
This time, we interviewed the five employees who embodied our core values the most during the first half of FY2023 (from September 2022 to February 2023) and won the "Core Value Awards." We explored their innovative ways of working and got a glimpse into their personal lives!
Customer Value
A commitment to create value that our customers are not aware of
Team Spirit
A circle of contribution with our stakeholders with integrity and respect
Create an ideal vision, experiment at the speed of light, and learn from our mistakes.
Every day we go back to the first day of the startup and explore the unknown
In this article, we're featuring one of the award winners, Sebrina Nah from TeamSpirit Singapore Pte Ltd (hereafter, TeamSpirit Singapore), who works in HR.
She is solely responsible for various HR and labor duties at TeamSpirit Singapore, a subsidiary of TeamSpirit Inc., which include hiring, training, system designing, and labor management.
While vigorously tackling her day-to-day tasks, Sebrina-san has made significant contributions to improving the workplace environment at TeamSpirit Singapore by planning and implementing various events to boost employee engagement and wellbeing. These efforts have been highly evaluated as embodying the "Customer Value" and "TeamSpirit," earning her the Core Value Award.
We'll delve into the lesser-known aspects of Sebrina-san's private life, her creative efforts at work, and her future goals.
Addressing Diverse Values and Creating Events That Bring Smiles to the Workplace
ーCan you share your honest feelings about winning the Core Value Award?
I was really surprised when I heard that I had won. I never thought I would win the Core Value Award, so this was a special moment for me. I am honored and humbled to have received the recognition.
ーCould you tell us about the initiatives you undertook in planning the events that led to you winning the award?
We planned several internal events within TeamSpirit Singapore. One of them was “Ask-Me-Anything” aka AMA, where Go-san (Go Nakano: Managing Director of TeamSpirit Singapore) answered various questions collected from the participants. AMA was a trend on social media during the pandemic. Back then, I observed that there was limited opportunity for communication between the management and employees, especially new joiners who joined during the pandemic. Therefore, with the support from Go-san, AMA was launched to improve communication where the employees were given the opportunity and platform to ask any questions they may have, and hear directly from the management. To create a more casual setting, the sessions were held physically over tea/coffee and pastries in small groups. We also had a break-the-ice quiz about Go-san at the start. We continuously improve the session by incorporating feedback from participants throughout the process. We held 4 AMA sessions in total.
We also organized a few outdoor activities such as hiking at Fort Canning Hill to promote healthy lifestyle and cleaning at Tiong Bahru Park as part of SDGs last year. Thanks to Mj (Mj Martin: QA Manager) for co-organizing these events!
This year, in response to the feedback from the pulse survey, we kick-started our quarterly team building event and monthly get-together sessions to encourage cross team bonding. To ensure that the event is something that everyone will enjoy, we involve employees in the planning - each team will take turns and suggest activities that they would like to participate in. We recently went for VR games!
There are also seasonal events that we organize every year with the support of our volunteers, such as the Christmas/ year-end parties.
ーHow do you come up with ideas for such events?
I usually gather ideas from the employees via pulse survey responses and my LinkedIn network. Whenever I come across an interesting idea, I will make a note of them and evaluate if they are suitable for our team.
The reason I put so much energy into events is that it motivates me to see our employees working happily and joyfully. I want to continue planning events that make everyone feel, "I'm glad I participated!"
ーIf you have any values that you hold important in your work, please share them with us.
There are mainly three. The first one is "doing the right thing". I think it's very important to value righteousness, especially in a HR position.
The second one is "never giving up". Not all work immediately yields results, but it's crucial to keep doing (what is right) and keep moving towards your goals without giving up.
The third one is "finding answers by respecting each other's values". Many people with different values gather at TeamSpirit Singapore, so the opinions that come out are also diverse. I believe it's essential to listen to all perspectives, both said and unsaid, and find a balanced solution that meets the needs of as many employees as possible, while also being realistic about what the company can provide.
Boosting Productivity with Systematization and Structure: Visualizing Daily Tasks with a ToDo List Leads to Efficient Work
There are two main points. One is digitalization of employee records. This helps to improve data management and tracking, making it easier to find and access employee information. The self-service portal also allows employees to view, validate and update their personal information anywhere and anytime, which improves the accuracy of data and efficiency of HR operations.
The other one is improving the hiring process. With the support and collaboration of the Managers, we were able to establish a standard for the hiring process. This included creating our own interview SOP which reduced the interview duration from 90 minutes to 60 minutes. We also now have a clear and defined objective for each stage of the interview, scorecards and criteria that ensure a fairer and more equitable hiring process.
ーWhat measures are you taking to improve productivity in your HR work?
I create a ToDo list before starting my tasks. I assign priorities and deadlines to each task, and visualize what I need to do and when helps prevent issues like missed tasks or missed deadlines.
Visualizing tasks with a ToDo list greatly enhances concentration during working hours. Since I can easily grasp the goals I need to achieve for the day, I've been able to use my time more efficiently and productively. Thanks to this, I am able to stay focused which allows me to complete my work on time, usually within work hours.
ーI imagine you have a very busy day, working on HR tasks alone and planning events. Do you have any strategies for managing many tasks?
I don't have a particular method, but taking walks after work helps relieve stress. It's only about 30 minutes, but I enjoy the time moving my body, and it refreshes me.
Also, I'm mostly working from home now, but I go to the office about once a week, which is a nice change of environment. I don't have a specific day to go to the office, so I go as needed, and it might be nice that I see different members each time I go.
ーCan you share your favorite way to refresh?
ーHow do you spend your days off?
I don't do anything special on my days off. I spend most of my time watching dramas on Netflix. Right now, my favorite is "Doctor Cha" (original title: Dr. Cha Jung-suk). I also spend time playing and walking with my pet dog, Ariel, a 2-year-old toy poodle.
Striving for the development of the Singapore team along with proactive members.
ーSo, Sebrina-san, what is the appeal of working at TeamSpirit Singapore for you?
Before I started working at TeamSpirit singapore, Go-san met me with some of the team members as part of the job interview process. Listening to them talking about their experience working at TeamSpirit, I had a premonition that "This must be a fun place to work".
The way that TeamSpirit Singapore allows employees to have flexibility in our work arrangement and feel empowered for our work is something that is still very appealing to me. Everyone I work with is passionate about their work and motivated to do a good job.
ーWhat do you want to do at TeamSpirit Singapore in the future? Please tell us about your future goals.
The ultimate goal is to create an even more wonderful TeamSpirit Singapore team than now. In order to achieve that goal, I want to work hard to understand the business better so that I am able to align the HR practices with the business objectives. Also, I want to continue building on my competency as a HR professional to be able to provide the right HR support and advice for the business, and employees on their career journey with TeamSpirit Singapore. I am excited and looking forward to what we can accomplish together as a team and for the team.
ーFrom your perspective, who would you recommend TeamSpirit as a workplace to?
I would recommend TeamSpirit Singapore to anyone who is passionate about what they do, committed to building good stuff and motivated by solving problems and achieving goals.
I personally feel that TeamSpirit provides a good environment for developers. TeamSpirit has a culture that welcomes new initiatives, and developers continue to take on new challenges every day. It is an environment where you can work on development together as a team and exchange ideas with members from various backgrounds. Here, you are not just watching, you are participating. You can feel your contribution and witness the difference you have made.
ーLastly, could you give a cheer to the future yourself
I am currently enjoying my days at TeamSpirit Singapore to the fullest. I hope that my future self continues to live a fulfilling life, so I would like to send this message:
"You will never get yesterday back. Put in your best and don't regret not doing enough."